講題: 新世代長脈衝染料雷射之多樣化應用
2011 Spring Meeting of Taiwanese Dermatological Association
中華民國100 年5 月22 日(星期日) Sunday, May 22, 2011
08:30-13:30 Registration 報到: 財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心1F
地點: 張榮發基金會國際會議中心1001 (10F)
時間: 14:40-15:10
講題: 新世代長脈衝染料雷射之多樣化應用
The versatility of new generation, long-pulse pulsed dye laser (LPDL)
The versatility of new generation, long-pulse pulsed dye laser (LPDL)
The pulsed dye laser (PDL) was often considered the choice of most vascular lesions. However, the new generation, long pulse duration, pulsed-dye laser (LPDL) V-Beam II is proved versatile that many indications are applicable far beyond the clinical scenario of vascular disorders. The LPDL delivers the energy divided into 8 sub-pulses that can be arranged both within traditional pulse duration, such as 0.45 ms and 1.5 ms and ultra-long pulse duration (up to 40 ms) to provide more uniform blood vessel damage to prevent adverse effect of purpura that was common for traditional PDL. Moreover, with the tunable dynamic cooling system, the epidermis is protected and the discomfort is reduced, and thus more effective high fluencies can be used safely. The spot size can be adjusted for variable purposes. The LPDL is indicated not only for vascular conditions, including vascular malformations/ port-wine stain, hemangioma, rosacea, telangiectasia, spider veins of lower limbs, ecchymoses after facial cosmetic procedures and inflammatory acne, but also for hypertrophic scar, keloid, psoriasis, and verruca vulgaris. Besides, LPDL is suitable for skin rejuvenation and photodamaged skin that was proved superior to the effect of intense pulsed light (IPL). With special technique, LPDL showed its potential for pigmentary diseases, such as lentigines. As for chloasma, recent studies revealed its vascular characteristics and can be treated with combined therapy of LPDL and Q-switched Nd:YAG laser.
Shiou-Han Wang, 王修含
Website: http://skin168.comEducation
M.D., National Taiwan University
Master of Science, Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Electronics), National Taiwan University
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chief Resident, Department of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei
Resident, Department of Dermatology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei
Resident, Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei
Board certification
Board Certification of the Dermatological Specialist, Taiwan
Medical License of the National Examination for Physician, Taiwan
Current Position
Director, Liberal Vigor Dermatologic Clinic & Cosmetic Medical Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Dermatological Specialist in Dermatological Surgery & Laser/ Acne & Scar/ High Freqeuncy Ultrasound, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Membership Societies
Taiwanese Dermatological Association
Taiwanese Society of Investigative Dermatology
The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE
American Academy of Dermatology, AAD
Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the ROC
Clinical & Research Interests
Dermatological Surgery
Cosmetic Dermatology: Cutaneous Laser, Fillers & Botulinum Toxin
Acne & Scar Treatment
Laser, High Frequency Ultrasound & Optoacoustics
Publications (Recent 5 years)
1. Shiou-Han Wang, Chen-Wei Wei, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Pai-Chi Li. Quantitative thermal imaging for plasmonic photothermal therapy. J Med Biol Eng. 2011; In Press, doi: 10.5405/jmbe.810
2. Shiou-Han Wang, Chih-Hsin Yang, Hsien-Ching Chiu, Fu-Chang Hu, Chih-Chieh Chan, Yi-Hua Liao, Hsiao-Chin Chen, Chia-Yu Chu. Skin manifestations of gefitinib and the association with survival of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in Taiwan. Dermatol Sinica 2011; 29(1):13-18.
3. Yi-Shuan Sheen, Chia-Yu Chu, Shiou-Han Wang, Tsen-Fang Tsai. Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome in non-leprosy patients: A retrospective study of its incidence in a tertiary referral center in Taiwan. J Dermatolog Treat. 2009; 20(6):340-343.
4. Sung-Jan Lin, Hsin-Yuan Tan, Chien-Jui Kuo, Ruei-Jr Wu, Shiou-Han Wang, Wei-Liang Chen, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Chen-Yuan Dong. Multiphoton autofluorescence spectral analysis for fungus imaging and identification. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009; 95: 043703.
5. Shiou-Han Wang, Chen-Wei Wei, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Pai-Chi Li. Photoacoustic temperature measurements for monitoring of thermal therapy. Proc. SPIE 2009; 7177, 71771S.
6. Tjiu JW, Hsiao CH, Wang SH, Wu JJ, Lu CF, Chen HC. Papular clear cell hyperplasia of the eccrine duct. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2009; 23(2):199-200.
7. Wang SH, Tsai TF. Congenital polypoid pigmented eccrine poroma of a young woman. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2008; 22(3):366-368.
8. Wang SH, Chu CY, Chen HH, Chang YL, Chen KY, Chiu HC. Paraneoplastic pemphigus and bronchiolitis obliterans in a patient with splenic B-cell lymphoma. J Formos Med Assoc 2007; 106(9):768–773.
9. Wang SH, Tsai TF. Several erythematous papules with a 1.5-cm sized nodule scattering on the face of an old woman. Dermatol Sinica 2007; 25(2):175-176.
10. Hong JB, Chiu HC, Wang SH, Tsai TF. Recurrence of classical juvenile pityriasis rubra pilaris in adulthood: report of a case. Br J Dermatol. 2007; 157(4):842-844.
11. Wang SH, Hsiao CH, Hsiao PF, Chu CY. Adult pityriasis lichenoides-like mycosis fungoides with high density of CD8-positive T lymphocytic infiltration. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2007 Mar; 21(3):401-402.
12. Lin SJ, Lo W, Tan HY, Chan JY, Chen WL, Wang SH, Sun Y, Lin WC, Chen JS, Hsu CJ, Tjiu JW, Yu HS, Jee SH. Prediction of heat-induced collagen shrinkage by use of second harmonic generation microscopy. J Biomed Opt 2006; 11(3):34020.